Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I was going through our wedding RSVPs today and updating our charts. We're packing as many people as we can into the wedding venue, and there are still so many people I wish I could have invited.

But I had a moment of shock today when I realized that everyone who could have possibly RSVP'd yes so far has said yes. It's a last-minute wedding planned during treatment and held in an inconvenient location, and pretty much everyone is coming. Moreover, they're helping out with so many things.

Part of our idea in having a wedding was to help me see a lot of people who I haven't been able to visit during treatment... to hug people I love, celebrate being alive and have a blowout after months of sequestered misery and pill-poppin'.

I'm amazed and grateful that it's coming together this way. Folks, I hope you are prepared to party rather hard.